Gernic is a family business which was established in Pretoria in 1987. The company core competencies are in the design and manufacturing of paint rollers and brush ware as well as other household plastic goods. The in house development of manufacturing systems and related machinery results in Gernic becoming a leading producer of thermos bonding in South Africa. As patent holder, Gernic is the sole supplier of the revolutionary “Ketty Handle” and the “Combo Leaf Rake”, among many other items.
Since its creation the company has successfully increased its turnover through a strategy of product diversification, manufacturing excellence, reliability and focus on outstanding customer service. This has resulted in the company presently achieving a daily 90, 000 unit manufacturing capability, with such items delivered in Gauteng in less than 48 hrs.
Gernic operates predominantly in the B2B sector supplying the wholesale market with a share of this market in South Africa reaching approximately 65%.
The products manufactured by Gernic compare favourably with other international brands in terms of quality and innovation. This international production quality is achieved using a very low operating cost allowing the company to achieve very competitive pricing strategy, whilst applied currently to the local market would represent a significant competitive advantage within the international arena.
With machinery from across the globe. We produce only the best quality products
Proudly South African
With over 150 staff members, we boost our local economy by creating job opportunities to highly and unskilled workers
State of the art equipment
We have imported state of the art machinery from across the globe, ensuring massive numbers can be produced each shift.